For Christmas we got Rockband 2. Since we got it, I've enjoyed it a lot. I'm the percussionist most of the time and I love playing the craziest drum solos in it. I've modeled my guy after The Ramones, specifically Dee Dee.
Also, a little fact, when we created the band, we were trying to think of names and I came up with the name psycho neighbor. The reason is because there was this idiot who used to live next to my dads house, (until some guy bought it for a tear down and almost 2-3 years later is still yet to be sold) he used to be hated by almost everyone on the block, until he moved away, then we loved him. He was a total prick, he stole things, and he was just a plain moron. He goes by the name Danny or as the upstairs landlord calls him (and the only person on the block who didn't hate him who and also his partner in
I was actually thinking about Danny's mother with the name. At least Danny had the excuse of being young and stupid. Remember that his mother used to mollycoddle Danny, the bad son, and yell at Adolpho, her good son. I used to hear her yell at Adolpho-- she didn't realize that I speak Spanish fluently. She was really psycho.
And we have definitely missed our drummer. We've got an extended practice planned for Saturday, before we go to Bubs' for dinner.
And the new guitar arrived today. I was practicing on "medium;" it is a lot harder, but sounds great!
I have a cousin named Dee Dee. She's a girl, though.
No offense to the Ramones....
You're gone again, aren't you...
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