Saturday, February 16, 2008

When will the Cubs win the world series?

I have a feeling that when the Cubs win the world series is when Keith Richards will die. And his death will not be from age but from the Cubs actually winning. Anyone have theories on either how Keith Richards will die or how the Cubs can win the world series?


Anonymous said...

Well, I was pretty sure it would be when he recently fell out of that tree. That he was climbing. At 69 years of age. Like he's some twenty-something. Which he's not. At all.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

The Cubs can win by blowing up all the other teams.

Anonymous said...

Cubs win a World Series???!?


I just died laughing......

Look forward to another Century of Futility

Anonymous said...

Q. Why did the Cub Fan cross the road?
A. To Get away from the overflowing trough Urinals

Q. Why Did the Cub Fan go to Wrigley Field?
A. To Get Drunk and talk on his CellPhone

Anonymous said...

A man walks into Jimbo's wearing a Sox jersey. He has an alligator under his arm. He walks up to the bartender and asks, "Do you guys serve Cubs fans in here?" "Yes we do", responds the bartender. "Great. Give me a Jameson on the rocks with a splash of soda and give my alligator a Cubs fan", says the man.

Anonymous said...

The world's biggest Cubs fan dies and goes to Heaven. He immediately looks up God because he's got a question:

Cubs fan: " God, I was loyal Cubs fan for 80 years and never got to see them in the World Series, when are they going to make it to the Series?"

Evil Evil Genius said...

Keef dying makes the assumption that he is somehow mortal.

As a Cub's fan I always have hope. Sad, misguided, misplaced, unwarranted hope.